I added more pages to my website. I added an About Me, Blog, Articles, Resume page. I haven't added it yet but I plan on adding sublink/extra pages to the articles page. I also added a slideshow of pictures of me in the about me part with a brief description of who I am and where I grew up. I also included a link to my blog and a PDF of my resume.
Shalyn : I like how simple her website is. She gets to the point and lets you know exactly what you need to know right away. I also like how it is personal and has some form of personality while also being serious. I could use her navigation bar at the top because it was very easy to use and find different pages of her website. I would imitate the type of pages she had and how you navigate around the website. I would not have made it as wordy and drawn out on each page and would have thrown in more examples of graphics I have done in my past experiences. I am going to change the layout probably to make navigating the website easier, and also having more pages for different things I want to show off. Red : It is also extremely simple. I like how he had his own what seemed like hand drawn picture of himself on the home page. It was more fun and entertaining than the other one. I liked how the home page opens up and shows who he is and what the website is all...
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