
Personal Website  
Thing Link 3D/VR  
Thing Link Dark Ride Project
Video Composition Notes:  Rule of Thirds: Divide an image horizontally and vertically, interesting parts filmed on the intersection of the lines.  180 degree Rule: Camera goes anywhere in the 180 degrees of the line, but not on both sides of the the line.  B-Roll Basics: Any video that is secondary to primary footage, stock footage, title rolls, other camera angles/shot.  3 Light Set-Up: Has three lights, key light the brightest light, Fill light helps key light, Back light separates the subject from background. Key light is most important. 
  My Video to demonstrate different shots in film
My Youtube Video:   In this project I learned and or sharpened my skills in Premiere Pro and made a simple video around 30 seconds long filled with baseball pictures and a short flag videos. I added transitions onto the photos so they had motions, added music into the background, and had a title on the end of the video. I also added transitions from each video.