Is Google making us stupid? I think it is a little bit of yes, and a little bit of no. I think that it has affected peoples' ability to focus and read anything long and wordy, and has definitely affected our ability to remember a lot of basic information. I can say personally I need to turn to google a lot to look up things like the events of a game, or the history or name of an actor. However I think that it has done a lot of good too. Look at the typewriter example. His writing may have changed, but using that advancement of technology, he was able to keep writing comfortably. Or even the advancement of the clock lets people be more efficient and get as much work done in a 24 hour period. I think the future of generations will not really be able to read massively long books like we grew up doing in school. It'll be much more of short but impactful readings, or possibly no reading at all, but more listening to people tell the stories themselves.
Shalyn : I like how simple her website is. She gets to the point and lets you know exactly what you need to know right away. I also like how it is personal and has some form of personality while also being serious. I could use her navigation bar at the top because it was very easy to use and find different pages of her website. I would imitate the type of pages she had and how you navigate around the website. I would not have made it as wordy and drawn out on each page and would have thrown in more examples of graphics I have done in my past experiences. I am going to change the layout probably to make navigating the website easier, and also having more pages for different things I want to show off. Red : It is also extremely simple. I like how he had his own what seemed like hand drawn picture of himself on the home page. It was more fun and entertaining than the other one. I liked how the home page opens up and shows who he is and what the website is all...
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